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Each one of our pups hold a special place in our hearts x therefore will always be on our website.

Below are Testimonies from our pups Forever Families -

if you want your Hillis Dane added...please email us a testimony and let us know you would like it added ;-)

To see previous litters, please click on the Parents in the "Past Pups" drop down menu above.


(Paris x Ardagio 2017)

Hi Chris,

I am going to send you a few emails with current Otis pictures and a couple of

videos of him exploring the house and yard.

He is doing great.  Today he had his 9 week checkup and shots, he was about 26 or 27 lbs

on the scale.  He still has the puppy acne but is on an antibiotic for that. 

Tomorrow he goes to his first puppy primer training class.

He is still a little too feisty and energetic for the cat, who is staying away from him mostly, but

the Labrador and Otis are starting to give hints of playing together.  Otis is always trying to play

a little too rough, but the lab (Maple) is starting to like him more each day.

He really enjoys long walks around the yard - he likes to try and eat up all the leaves.

And he is on the way to being fully potty trained.  He still has rare accidents in the house,

but 90% of the time he knows to go outside only.

And, he has the cutest, giant, loud, most adorable yawns every time he wakes up.

Thank you and Bryon again for making this process so enjoyable.

We totally love Otis and are really happy that we found CB Hillis Danes!



Hi Chris,

Today's Otis update -

Otis hasn't had an accident in the house for many days now (I can't remember when the last one

was, maybe three or four days ago).  Sometimes he even is smart enough to whine at the front

door when he has to go out to potty.

He is sitting on my lap as I write this email, doing his best not to fall asleep.  I am enjoying this phase until he is soon to be too big to sleep on my lap like this!

One of our favorite things about him are his crazy cute yawns (usually 4 or 5) when he wakes up, and the fact that after napping he just wants to cuddle with you as he slowly wakes up.

When one of us comes home from an outing, his tail starts wagging like crazy when he recognizes that a family member has returned home.  So cute.

He and our Labrador, Maple, are starting to play more each day.  He hasn't learned to

play very well without barking though, so he often gets a timeout in his crate during playtime sessions. 

He is now looking size-wise about 2/3 the size of our lab, but my guess would be he is

about thirty pounds or so (Our Lab is 70 lbs.).

He and the cat are not best buddies yet, as he is too rambunctious for the cat, but I think they

will get there by Christmas.

His puppy acne is going away and his stool tested worm free at the vet for his nine week appointment. 

The vet said he looks really healthy.

Sometimes in the mornings he gets to ride to school on my son's lap in the car.  He really enjoys this,

but by the time I get back home he is always asleep on the passenger seat.

I will send more pictures when I get a chance.



Abbie is awesome! I will never get a different breed of dog again! She is funny!

Doesn't realize how big she is and clumsy :)  Can't wait to see the new puppies arrive :)
Beth Eisenman


105lbs @ 7 months

Lives w/his younger 1/2 sister Zoie (Gabby x Brody 2012) x his

human family in Southeren California

Lily is doing well. She has fit right in. She is growing like a weed, I think her last weigh in which was some time ago...she was 75 lbs. Also, getting into plenty of trouble and keeping us on our toes. She had a play date the other day to give Titan (my 5 yr. old) a little break!
My experience with you was wonderful. You were very helpful and communicative and out of the breeders I have dealt with personally, it was by far the best experience I've had.
Thanks for everything.

Leigh Genovese



Bryon and Christine,

Harley (aka Jullian) has been a wonderful addition to our family. He is such a beautiful, energetic, and loving boy. Potty training went great, faster than I had expected. He is growing strong and fast. Has a nice mixture of both Lexis and Brody. Harley enjoys his walks, and playing with the kids and other dogs. Harley is very poised and confident and always attracts attention wherever we go, he gets that from his Daddy, Brody. We are still working on his manners though, he is very rotten...gets that from his Momma.

We are anxious to adopt another CB Hillis Dane in the near future.

The Marons


Blur has been everything I expected and more. He is a beautiful and healthy pup, extremely vigorous in his play and in his love for me. He has an extremely good temperament, a great bone structure, a beautiful and shiny coat, and has a very enthusiastic approach to everything he does. While at first he was a little reserved, he has become very social with everyone I introduce him to. He is curious of his surroundings and always learning.

  I live in an urban area. In fact, I live on one of the most famous streets in the world - Las Vegas Blvd(The Strip) - and so I was a bit concerned about how Blur might adapt to the constant noise, lights, and people. He has taken it all in stride. He has become accustomed to the sounds, the sights, and the many people who often want to meet him. I live in a condominium building, and so Blur has had to learn to scale marble stairs, ride elevators, and encounter many other dogs in our building. He has taken extremely well his environment, relishing our daily walks together and exploring all the unique things we encounter.

I am a single male with a full-time job. I was a bit concerned about leaving him alone while I am working, but Blur has begun to enjoy his time alone, spending it relaxing in his crate and playing with his many toys in his play area. He came to me almost completely potty-trained, and he has no problems with this while he is alone. Since I am sometimes away for many hours at a time working, I have hired a petsitter. Lorenzo comes to visit Blur in the middle of the workday and takes him outside for some fresh air and feeds him. Blur and Lorenzo have become fast friends, and Blur very much enjoys some play time with Lorenzo to break up the monotony of an otherwise relaxing day home alone.

Christine and Bryon have been wonderful to me from the first time I contacted them. They provided answers to all of my questions and concerns, which allowed me to make a measured decision as to whether a Great Dane pup was right for me. I peppered them with many, many questions, which were all answered promptly and clearly. This individual attention and guidance did not stop once Blur was delivered to me. They have continued to provide constant support and be a trusted source of information for me well after Blur's arrival in my home.

In conclusion, the pup I purchased from CB Hillis Danes has exceeded all my expectations, as has their commitment to me as breeders. In fact, I am so happy with my decision to purchase a pup from them that I have already placed a deposit for a pup from their next litter, which I am eagerly awaiting. I would love to provide Blur with a companion, and I would look no place other than CB Hillis Danes for my next pup! All-in-all it has been an absolutely wonderful experience!

Mark Schackmuth

March 6,2011

~ ~ Update ~ ~

June 2011

Tucker has joined Blur in Vegas!

Loklyn, Loklyn, Loklyn….. A dreamers’ dream come true.

Even if your running away with Leah or Lily’s shoe.

It can be said, and often is- “You’re growing very fast”.

The Tempurpedic is becoming a manageable jump- At Last!!!

Lenox and Loki, your other blue friends, always beat you to the door.

But you got them beat- and Daddy too- at night when you begin to snore!!

You try so hard not to bite when you’re playing with the kids.

We think you get their hands confused with shoes and Rubbermaid lids.

The weather is breaking- Spring is here- and you love the outdoors…

...and puddles too, apparently- your feet transfers them to our floor.

You’re such a great addition to our sacred breeding ground.

You fit right in with the craziness- and here it’s always found.

We can’t wait to take you swimming in the family 10 acre lake.

But don’t hang on to Lenox- that would be a bad mistake!!

You run so cute- your bottom shakes- like a jelly filled balloon.

Your eyes so sad- your ears hang low when you’ve acted like a buffoon.

We love you so – and always will – even when vinegar flows through your veins.

It’s hard to beat the “treasure” we’ve acquired from CB Hillis Danes!

Leo & Lori Krieger

Deja Blue Danes

March 6, 2011

She is the most playful, loving, goofy, protective, fun, social & the klutziest puppy!!! We couldn't have asked for more out of her

June 26, 2012

Our wonderful new member of the family, Miss Gracie Blu, is by far the most laid back, sweet and intelligent pup we have every come across.  She is pure joy.  She has quickly made herself at home with us and has stolen everyones heart.  Potty training is going great and she gets along with kids and other dogs perfectly.  The kids even hassle each other over whose baby she is.  A few seconds after daddy sits down on the couch though, it is clear whose girl she is.  In fact, I have a cuddle bug with her head on my arm as I write this.  We could not be happier with her or our experience with CB Hillis Danes.  From the weekly updates and thoughtful puppy bag to the concern after we got her home, it's clear how much care these pups were given. Thank you so much for blessing us with our "little" love.


Chris & Michelle Conrad

March 7, 2011

Puppy Pic

We took this photo on Saturday! 6 months old that day!

Notice his color its the one u sent us we used it till the last hole then made our own holes hahah

I think it is safe to say he needs a new collar! lol

Again I want to thank you for such an amazing family member!

We Love, Love, Love our Apollo!

He is such a beautiful Pup we are truely blessed! Many thanks!

The Sullivans in California!

June 13, 2011

Here are some pics of Gemma. She is really growing over 42 pounds! The other pup is our new boy- Max! He is about 4-5 weeks younger than her. I almost think she will be bigger than him... She is so spunky! I just love her! Thank you so much! We are so pleased to have her in our family!

Jessie Farley

TJ Danes

March 23, 2011

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1-740-621-0062   |   Millersport, Ohio

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